Reacting to Anger: You Can Choose

While there are many things in life that we can’t control,
‘one thing we can control is our choice.’
You can’t control what someone does or says to you, but you can choose how you will react to it. This is such an important tool to teach children.
If I had a quarter for every time one of my children changed their mood or behavior based on a sibling interaction I would be rich: “He made me so angry I had to push him.” “My whole day is ruined because she is coming to the mall!” “He made me cut her hair, but I didn’t want to do it.” He did this; she did that, and…
what did you choose to do?
Remind your kids that they are the only ones who can choose how they will react to someone. They might become upset, angry or frustrated, but they ultimately get to decide how they will let it affect them in the long run. Are you going to let someone else pick how you feel? You decide. Remember, it’s your choice.
For more parenting read my book, The Parenting Backpack.